Friday, January 6, 2023

To JVP- I will remember and recover, not forgive and forget


Fellow Sri Lankan citizens,

Have you ever READ policy statement of NPP before you decide whom you vote?

I read it yesterday, because, I saw in many social media platforms, NPP supporters stressed the fact that we need to read NPP policy statement before we talk/ask questions.

So I did it. I find it is nothing but a fairytale. As of main stream political parties, I don't even bother to read policy statements, because they are dead to me. 

Surprisingly, you will not find NPP policy statement in English (it is a habit of SL politicians to lie in Sinhala) which is unacceptable to me in many levels. Minorities who cannot read Sinhala and international community who are interested in accountability can not be fooled if you publish English PS. Sinhalese, on the other hand, are much easy to fool. They have no idea what is accountability, so it is safe to keep it in this way.

Unfortunately for NPP, unlike past where scholars were silenced and media was not available, we got the opportunity to fill the gaps and reveal true self of NPP/lefties in SL. 

Without further delay, lets analyze Sinhala PS of NPP.

Lets start from Education section. Please see the actions section. First, they talk about early childhood development. These, they say every child will be placed in a pre school with accepted qualities within 2 Km distance from child's home. To do this, they will build a network of early childhood development centers.

OK, great. I have questions because I am not living in an utopia.

My biggest criticism is the whole SP is oversimplified regardless of  so many experts they listed at the end of each chapter. Nothing is specific. There is no time line. The whole book omitted the fact that it is talking about a bankrupted country, where 1/3 in suffering from severe hunger, lenders don't lend any more, struggling to fulfill basic needs such as energy and health. 

Regarding early childhood development,

1. What research you done to come up with this idea as a solution for early childhood development? Do you have at least a syllabus/some sort of plan what are the components of this education system? if you don't have one (most probably), it will take long time to get this step done if you do it correctly. 

2. What is the estimated budget for this project?

3. What is the time line for this project?

4. How you get resources? for example, 90% of pre school teachers in SL not properly trained nor their attitudes/skills not good. There should be a significant change in Teachers to achieve the goal. A lot of parents are toxic. With such toxic parents who raise children to achieve their dreams at any cost to the child's wellbeing, early childhood development is not possible.

4. What is the step by step action plan break down with facts and figures? Obviously, you need to choose few areas first as the pilot project. Obviously, you need to choose the size, Obviously, you need to choose a model (you called it as accepted qualities, but you did not say who or what entity accepted), Obviously, you need to choose  quality assurance/quality control methods etc.

5. There is no accountability whatsoever. If NPP comes to power and completely ignore their promises, what are the options public have?  


All other things in education section is like this. Promises you cannot keep, unless you gunpoint parents and threat them to send their child to the school NPP decide. NPP history has this level of control with little chits they distributed to give orders to general public. 

For most part of educational section, you can repeat questions I asked because they are over simplified BS.

Lets go to Economy section. Everything is BS but lets focus on an example of BS.


Regarding how to eliminate poverty section,

1. What is the estimated budget for each project?

2. What are the time lines for each project?

3. Who provide funds to give these freebees to poors? 

4. How you get resources? for example, 90% of government officers are corrupted. They have no attitudes/skills. There should be a significant change in gov. people to achieve the goal. A lot of poor people used to freebees and do nothing. Alcoholism, drugs, and other addictions need to be managed and how are you doing it (budget, time line, funds)? 

5. There is no accountability whatsoever. If NPP comes to power and completely ignore their promises, what are the options public have?

6. What is the criteria of poverty? 

7. What are the QA/QC methods to ensure poors benefit, no one abuse the system etc?

This BS only talks about commissions, committees, complaining facility, reforms which we have no clue, empowerment which we have no clue provided,  which we are absolutely sick of,  old school lies.

I invite all of you to READ the POLICY STATEMENT of NPP  with open mind before you VOTE.

I suggest you need leaders who have;

1. Integrity (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, someone who fulfilled basic needs already and in the level of self actualization, otherwise, they sell their life to get needs such as physiological (food, houses), safety (good job), love and belonging needs (partners/friends), esteem (a person who had no esteem/nobody before)

2. Accountability - who ever asking your vote should have a plan to maintain accountability.

3. Not afraid to translate what they say (word to word) to English.

4. Representatives not addicted to destructive habits or have previous evidences.

5. Not from political families.

6. Not afraid to healthy challenges.

7. A system that allows most eligible persons to get positions without favoritism, bribery, nepotism or  discrimination.

8. Should establish no conflict of interests concept in all areas.

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